Fab’s Retreats

Fabulous transformative experiences
For a Weekend, For a Week, For More, For YOU

🎉 It’s time to put you as number one priority.
🎉 Time to feel heard, seen and loved in a safe and respectful environment.
🎉 Time to have fun, be playful, and enjoy amazing experiences.
🎉 Let’s travel together in an exotic setting or closer to home. For a weekend, a week or more.
🎉 Let’s indulge in amazing foods, gentle movements, exciting experiences, and transformative interactions.

Feel relaxed, re-inspired and ready to dive into the next chapter of your life with clarity and passion.


Two days, one night in beautiful wine country

Release challenges and sufferings from the past years.
Create more Abundance and Joie de vivre in a Glamorous environment
Manifest 2024 as being your best year ever!

Transformative week on the French Riviera (2nd edition)

Let go of toxicity at home and at work
Rebirth yourself as the sparkle of joy you’ve always been
Fall back in love is every part of your essence
Live in abundance and explore possibilities
Co-create your best life in alignment with your highest potential.


One transformative week on the French Riviera (1st edition)

Let go of toxicity at home and at work
Rebirth yourself as the sparkle of joy you’ve always been
Fall back in love is every part of your essence
Live in abundance and explore possibilities
Co-create your best life in alignment with your highest potential.